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DCC recognized for excellence in advancing reconciliation

RPIC Award 2023
Rob Chambers, Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment), Jean-François Robert, RPIC’s President, Grant Sayers, DCC’s Vice-President, Operations—Business Management, and Sonia Powell, RPIC’s Past President at the awards ceremony.

Defence Construction Canada (DCC) has been recognized for its work constructing a foundation on which to enhance relations with Indigenous peoples. The company received the 2023 “Excellence in Foundations for Results and Benefits” award from the Real Property Institute of Canada (RPIC) at its national awards ceremony in Ottawa on October 25, 2023.

Grant Sayers, Vice-President, Operations–Business Management, said how thrilled he and everyone at DCC are to win the award.

“This honour reaffirms our work to construct an organization-wide foundation on which we’re building respectful, meaningful relationships with Indigenous businesses, people and communities.”

Notably, DCC, in partnership with the Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment), has taken important steps to ensure more Indigenous businesses can participate in the real property lifecycle contracts DCC manages for the Department of National Defence.

In particular, DCC staff listened closely to hundreds of owners and operators of Indigenous businesses to learn about their operations and help them navigate contracting challenges.

In the wake of this foundational work, Indigenous businesses won almost 10% of all DCC contracts in 2022–23—that’s double the minimum target set by the federal government.

DCC also designed an Indigenous relations logo that complements the organization’s corporate identity and, in 2021, began the process to gain Progressive Aboriginal Relations certification from the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business. In addition, DCC recently launched a pilot Indigenous outreach program in its Pacific Region

The RPIC award recognizes DCC’s success to date and motivates the organization to continue working to advance reconciliation.

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