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DCC ensures that, whether you are our client or a private contractor or consultant, working with DCC is as straightforward as possible. We have structured our service lines to offer our clients turnkey service. That means they can hand us a project and be assured it is being well managed throughout all phases of the process.

Because of the way we do business with DND and with the private sector, Canadian taxpayers can be assured that their interests are being provided for. We provide a stringent approach to contracting that ensures that our client gets the best value for its money, and that businesses run by Canadians have a fair opportunity at government contracts.

  • DCC prepares for the modernization of the Official Languages Act

    The Government of Canada is in the process of modernizing the official languages regime including recent changes to related policies and upcoming amendments to the Official Languages Act. These changes impact how Defence Construction Canada (DCC) supports the Department of National Defence (DND) in the delivery of its infrastructure and environmental programs.

    Over the coming months, DCC will be creating at each DND location, open construction source lists that will be used to implement construction contracts (commercial, residential, industrial, institutional, civil) under $10 million. The requests will be published through the MERX system and contractors who wish to have the opportunity to bid on DCC tenders will be required to submit their name for the source lists.

    To qualify for the source lists, contractors will only need to provide the legal name of their company and their language preference for the tender documents, the contract documents and communication during the execution of the contract. At locations where contractors all have indicated the same (unilingual) language preference, DCC may elect to issue tender documents in only that language. Otherwise, tender documents will be issued in both official languages.

    Since more tenders may need to be published in both official languages, professional engineers and architects that provide services in support of DND’s infrastructure and environmental programs may be required to produce more plans and specifications in English and French concurrently to meet the potential increase in demand.

    The source lists will be open to general, trade and civil contractors and suppliers.

    Contractors will require an active MERX account as well as an Authorized Signer PIN generated by MERX so that they can submit electronic bids.

    Any questions regarding the foregoing may be submitted to:

    Defence Construction Canada
    350 Albert Street, 19th floor
    Ottawa, ON K1A 0K3


To ensure alignment with the Government of Canada's Integrity Regime, DCC introduced its Integrity Management Framework (IMF) to demonstrate its commitment to being an ethical organization. The IMF brings together all DCC resources and tools to foster ethical business practices, ensure due process and uphold the public trust. It outlines the codes, policies and procedures that relate to expected behaviour for DCC employees as well as its suppliers and contractors.

One aspect of the IMF is DCC's Procurement Code of Conduct (PCC) that provides suppliers with a clear statement of expectations to ensure a basic understanding of their responsibilities during the procurement process as well as throughout the implementation of the work.


MERX coordinates the distribution of DCC standard construction contract documents. For all related forms, please visit the link below.

Contract Activity

To view recently awarded contracts or any information regarding recent contract payments, click below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does e-procurement change the way suppliers’ access DCC opportunities?

    Where e-bidding has been phased-in, paper submissions are no longer accepted. Suppliers can use e-bidding to:

    • submit their bid online at no additional cost;
    • make revisions to their bid at any time prior to tender close;
    • where bid security is required, upload their electronic bid bond (e-bond) directly into the system or submit their cash security through an electronic funds transfer (wire transfer);
    • receive an e-bid confirmation number once the e-bid is submitted successfully; and
    • view bid results online.
  • Why did DCC introduce a new e-bidding capability?

    DCC adopted an online e-bidding capability as a way to enhance industry access and allow the Corporation to manage the tendering process more accurately and efficiently from beginning to end.

  • Is it mandatory to submit bids electronically?

    In cases where the MERX advertisement lists the bid submission type as "electronic", it is mandatory to submit bids electronically.


MERX coordinates the distribution of DCC standard construction contract documents. A tender package can be ordered from MERX by telephone (1-800-964-6379) or via the Internet.

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