Frequently Asked Questions

Contractors and Consultants FAQ

DCC provides infrastructure services and full lifecycle support for Canada's defence requirements.

While DCC puts the contracts in place and manages them, it relies on private sector contractors and consultants to perform the work required by its Client-Partner. The type of work includes services to support the design, construction, renovation and maintenance of a wide variety of facilities for the infrastructure and environment program of DND.

DCC adheres to Federal Government contracting principles of access, opportunity, fairness and of open competition. Over 95% of its construction contracts are competitively tendered.

How can I get a contract with DCC?

MERX is an independent private sector tendering service, offering opportunities to publicly tendered projects. DCC posts ads on MERX for construction, professional services and goods contracts. Contractors can obtain contract documents by ordering them through MERX. DCC contract documents are also available for viewing at local construction associations and local DCC offices.

For further information on MERX or to register, visit or call 1-800-964-6379.

How does my company get a security clearance?

DCC is an approved Federal Government source that may sponsor companies into the Industrial Security Program (ISP).

For more information, visit our security requirements page.

Is my work evaluated?

DCC evaluates the work of all contractors and consultants in accordance with DCC's Performance Evaluation Guidelines.

How will the Standard on the Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Setting of Reduction Targets impact contract opportunities?

In July 2024, DCC hosted information sessions regarding the impact of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s Standard on the Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Setting of Reduction Targets. Environment and Climate Change Canada also participated in the sessions and provided information on the Net-Zero Challenge.

The standard requires that DCC: “Ensure that the process for procurements over $25 million, including taxes, induces suppliers (contractors and consultants) to measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and adopt a science-based target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement as part of participating in the Net-Zero Challenge or in an equivalent initiative or standard.”

The sessions described: the requirements of the standard, how DCC intends to incorporate these requirements into upcoming contract opportunities and detailed information on the Net-Zero Challenge initiative.

View a copy of the presentation for more information.

Questions? Contact Martine Côté, Regional Service Line Leader, Contract Services Initiatives (

I have more questions.

Questions? Concerns? Comments? Please do not hesitate to contact your local DCC office.

Registration and fees

System and e-bid


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