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DCC receives excellence in procurement award

Defence Construction Canada (DCC) has been recognized by the National Procurement Institute by winning the prestigious Achievement of Excellence in Procurement (AEP) Award for 2023. The AEP Award is designed to recognize organizational excellence in public procurement. Organizations that are bestowed this award demonstrate excellence by obtaining a high score based on criteria designed to measure innovation, professionalism, productivity, e-procurement, and leadership attributes of the procurement organization.

The application is designed to encourage procurement professionals to go beyond the minimum requirements that are set out and to recognize innovative programs and solutions that exemplify outstanding achievements. The award not only focuses on outstanding procurement achievements, but also recognizes leadership and contributions that further advance the public procurement profession.

This is the tenth year that DCC has been recognized with the AEP Award—one of 194 recipients and one of only six organizations in Canada.

2023 AEP Award

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