As we look forward to the holiday season, it’s also a wonderful time to look back with gratitude. First, to the 70 years that we have worked together to support Canada’s defence infrastructure needs, at home and overseas. And then to the past year, with its ever-evolving challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether in our first 12 months or the most recent, the spirit of collaboration and innovation are a treasured hallmark of DCC’s success. And for that spirit, I thank both our DCC employees, and you—our Client-Partners, contractors, and communities, and our government and industry stakeholders.
The strength of our collective ability to adapt to the myriad challenges we have faced over the years shines through in every respect of our work together. I am especially grateful for the way in which we have prioritized the wellbeing of all who work with us, while also ensuring the delivery of our projects, which continue to be essential to Canada’s priorities for defence and security.
On behalf of everyone here at Defence Construction Canada, thank you. I wish you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with kindness and appreciation for everything that we have, especially each other. May the brightly lit days ahead bring you much peace and happiness.
Derrick Cheung
President and CEO
Defence Construction Canada