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Over the course of this year, with its many unanticipated challenges, I have been able to observe firsthand the spirit of dedication and collaboration that everyone who touches DCC brings to their work. This people-first and results-oriented approach has prioritized the health, safety and wellbeing of all involved—from our employees and Client-Partners to our communities and government and industry stakeholders.

The complex and critical nature of so many of our projects and services depends on this ability to work together. I am very grateful to you all for enabling us to collectively serve Canada's defence and security infrastructure and environment needs, and in turn, the people who depend on them daily.

On behalf of all of us at Defence Construction Canada, I wish you and your loved ones a happy holiday season, wherever and however you find yourself celebrating. Whether together or apart, may you appreciate every moment and find gratitude and kindness throughout the season.

Derrick Cheung
President and CEO
Defence Construction Canada

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