Seven hundred workers. Thirty months of construction. Eight months of relocation. Six months of demolition. A massive undertaking. As stated proudly by Charles Langlois, DCC Coordinator, Construction Services, “This long-awaited project is one of the biggest projects that DCC has undertaken in Valcartier in the past 20 years!”
Since September 2017, Langlois and his colleagues have been working on building new accommodations for the 5 Combat Engineer Regiment at the Valcartier base in Quebec. The Regiment’s numbers have grown from 200 in the 1990s to 518 today, and their facilities have fallen into disrepair.
At 18,000 m2, the new building will be twice the size of the current facilities. It will include work, storage, parking, vehicle maintenance, classroom and office space.
In order to keep to the $95.9 million budget, relatively tight deadlines and high-quality standards (the building has been designed for LEED Silver certification), collaboration will be key throughout the project. First and foremost, collaboration with DND will be required. The work will have a significant impact not only on day-to-day operations at the base, but also on other stakeholders, such as general contractors, consultants and laboratory workers.
To ensure a solid partnership, the DCC team met with all stakeholders to lay the foundation, identify their expectations and share lessons learned.
The project is already nearly 40% complete. Occupants are expected to take possession in spring 2021.