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As provinces and territories across Canada gradually begin to open up again, DCC has been planning how to resume normal operations.

In line with health and safety guidelines in each jurisdiction, we have developed plans at the individual office level for employees' return to the workplace. In all instances, these plans take into account public health advice, government direction on matters such as group gatherings and social distancing, Client-Partner requirements and the physical characteristics of the office space.

The return of employees to the workplace will take place in phases, both to ensure everyone's health and safety and to accommodate employees' personal circumstances.

Throughout the pandemic, DCC has maintained an exemplary level of service, even with the majority of employees working from home full-time. This will not change as we slowly return to normal operations. However, the health and safety of our employees, along with that of our Client-Partners, and contractors and consultants, remains paramount. We will not hesitate to adjust our plans in light of changing circumstances related to ongoing pandemic and will keep all stakeholders informed.

Derrick Cheung
President and CEO

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