If fire breaks out at the top of world, “who ya gonna call?” The fire busters at Canadian Forces Station Alert, of course. Especially now that new state-of-the-art firefighting and detection systems, along with other upgrades, are getting a $10 million facelift.

DCC Construction Coordinator Coralee Bain has deployed 10 times to CFS Alert to manage the fire systems upgrade project.

“It’s not typical for us to deploy to the High Arctic so this project is a unique opportunity,” says Bain.

The new fire detection system, including suppression systems, and new fire pumps, are in the final stages of completion, so Alert staff can breathe a little easier these days knowing that the project is on track for completion by 2023, despite a pandemic‑related delay last year.

Most of the systems have been tested and are targeted for commissioning prior to being handed over to the Department of National Defence.

The work has been no easy feat in a place with decades-old buildings, 24-hour darkness six months of the year, and -40℃ to -50 ℃ temperatures.

“I liked stepping out of my comfort zone and it felt good to know we were there to support the mission. This is definitely a step forward for Canada.”

The breakdown for CFS Alert upgrades includes the fire alarm and suppression system; replacement of fuel storage tanks; and a power plant generator.

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