CFB Greenwood, in the scenic Annapolis Valley, is the largest Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) base on the East Coast. It is home to squadrons that perform long-range patrol, transport, and search and rescue operations.
Here, Defence Construction Canada (DCC) is overseeing the reconstruction of CFB Greenwood’s 2,400‑metre secondary runway, 12/30. The work involves removing existing asphalt to a specific layer, repairing the remaining asphalt layer as needed, laying new asphalt and grooving it (to help prevent hydroplaning), painting new markings, and replacing lighting. The last pavement rehabilitation was in 2001.
By early June, private contractors had finished milling the runway to a precise, consistent depth. GPS will verify the runway’s new pavement achieves its specified depth and properly sloping sides for drainage. In the final test, technology will confirm the new surface meets the strict tolerances that a runway should.
“We’d like to be able to come back in 20 or 25 years or more and say, ‘yes, it’s held up,’” said Matt Smith, Construction Services Coordinator, Construction Services for DCC.
Matt appreciates the excellent collaboration between the DCC team and the Client-Partners—the Construction Project Delivery and Architecture and Engineering Services directorates.
“It’s been really great working with them,” said Matt. “That’s key because the project has us essentially taking over half of their airfield.”
DCC, the Client-Partners and the contractor have also planned a mid-project shutdown. CFB Greenwood will host Air Show Atlantic and its 12,000 visitors from August 22 to 25, as part of the RCAF’s 100th anniversary celebrations.
“We’ve worked closely around that, too,” said Matt, “down to specifying a few days’ construction shutdown in the contract.”