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DCC announces commitment to the Progressive Aboriginal Relations Program

Defence Construction Canada (DCC) is proud to mark the inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by announcing our commitment to the Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) certification program developed by the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB).

Speaking on behalf of DCC’s Board of Directors, Moreen Miller, Chair of the Board said, “DCC’s commitment to embark on the PAR certification process underscores the company’s vision to provide value to all Canadians as a knowledgeable, ethical and innovative leader. This is an important step in DCC’s efforts to support the Government of Canada’s goals towards reconciliation.”

Launched in 2001, the PAR program is the premier corporate social responsibility program emphasizing Indigenous relations and providing third-party, independent evaluation of corporate performance in four key areas including leadership actions, employment, business development and community relationships.

DCC is already working hard in areas where we think we can make the most difference within the scope of our business operations. Derrick Cheung, President and CEO noted that, “PAR certification is an integral part of DCC’s broader initiatives around Indigenous outreach. We are making progress through activities coming out of our Indigenous Procurement Strategy, an Indigenous People Recruitment and Retention Strategy, a National Indigenous Youth Work Experience Program and employee cultural awareness training.”

Mélinda Nycholat, Vice President, Operations—Procurement added that “We are setting an ambitious agenda to build strong partnerships with Indigenous peoples and create more opportunities for Indigenous businesses to succeed and grow.”

DCC’s Commitment to Indigenous Peoples formalizes our intent to continue developing practices and policies to support business opportunities for Indigenous peoples. We know that reconciliation is a journey, not a destination.

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